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National Socialist provenance research at the Vienna University Libraries
2004–2015 -
Newspaper article about the 50th anniversary of the Protestant Theological Faculty, in: Allgemeine Kirchen-Zeitung, 13.02.1871
Astronomy | The Vienna Observatory through the ages
1755–1900 Kelhaimerburse, „Domus Kelhaim“
Awarding of the Oskar-Morgenstern-Medaille to Roger Myerson by former rector Georg Winckler, rector Heinz W. Engl and dean Oliver Fabel
Studentengefängnis (Karzer), ab 1628 Schola Philosophorum
Newspaper article about the awarding of the first honorary doctorates of the Protestant Theological Faculty, in: Wiener Zeitung, 20.10.1862
Poetenkolleg („Collegium Poetarum et Mathematicorum“)
Newspaper article “Amerikanische Offiziere – Ehrenmitglieder der Wiener Universität”, in: Neues Österreich, 9.2.1946
Schwaiger- oder Schlierstadtburse (beim Kelhaimerhaus)
Konvikt St. Barbara
Leopold (Petrus Fourerius) Ackermann
17.11.1771–8.9.1831 Kodrei Pankota
Appointment ceremony of Kurt Schubert as honorary senator of the University of Vienna by rector Karl Wernhart and Hans Tuppy
Laudator Claus Lamm at the awarding ceremony of the honorary doctorate of the University of Vienna to Niels P. Birbaumer
Johann Christian Schiffner (1779–1857), Medicine
Monument to Anton Bruckner in the Arkadenhof (arcaded courtyard) of the University of Vienna
Breaks, crises and conflicts 14 Themen
„Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps“
1841 - 1