401 - 450 / 1567 Personen
Surname | Forename | Honor | Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Hayek | Friedrich August von | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1899–1992 | |
Wagner-Jauregg | Julius | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1857–1940 | |
Loewi | Otto | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1873–1961 | |
Landsteiner | Karl | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1868–1943 | |
Schrödinger | Erwin | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1887–1961 | |
Fischer | Hans | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1881–1945 | |
Bárány | Robert | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1876–1936 | |
Kutschker | Johann Rudolf | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1881 |
Stepischnegg | Jakob Ignaz Maximilian | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1815–1889 |
Grillparzer | Franz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1791–1872 |
Giskra | Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1820–1879 |
Leber | Ferdinand Joseph Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1727–1808 |
Reinisch | Simon Leo | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1950 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1832–1919 |
Scherer | Wilhelm | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1841–1886 |
Kink | Rudolf von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1822–1864 |
Barth | Josef | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1745–1818 |
Fogarassy | Michael | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1800–1882 |
Czörnig Freiherr von Czernhausen | Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1804–1889 |
Baumgartner | Andreas Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1793–1865 |
Praschniker | Camillo | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1980 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1884–1949 |
Perger von Pergenau | Heinrich Edler | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1810–1878 |
Inama-Sternegg | Karl Theodor von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1950 | Faculty of Law and State | 1843–1908 |
Froidevo | Joseph Hyacinth Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1735–1811 |
Schlör | Alois | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1805–1852 |
Seidl | Johann Gabriel | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1804–1875 |
Kübeck von Kübau | Karl Friedrich Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1780–1855 |
Pratobevera Freiherr von Wiesborn | Karl Josef | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1769–1853 |
Miklosich [Miklošič] | Franz Xaver von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1950 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Herbst | Eduard | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1820–1892 |
Sommaruga | Franz Seraph Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1780–1860 |
Martini zu Wasserburg | Karl Anton Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1726–1800 |
Gmunden | Johannes von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1965 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1380–1442 |
Wedl | Karl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1815–1891 |
Dolliner | Thomas | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1760–1839 |
Zeiller | Franz Anton Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1751–1828 |
Molisch | Hans | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1966~ | Faculty of Philosophy | 1856–1937 |
Born | Ignaz Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1742–1791 |
Rokitansky | Carl Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1804–1878 |
Litwinowicz | Spiridion | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1869 |
Roskoványi | Augustin (Àgoston) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1807–1892 |
Langer Ritter von Edenberg | Karl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1819–1887 |
Lenau | Nikolaus (Nikolaus Franz Niembsch Edler von Strehlenau) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1802–1850 |
Doppler | Christian | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1956 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1803–1853 |
Berger | Johann Nepomuk | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1816–1870 |
Thausing | Moritz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1884 |
Sickel | Theodor R. von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1950 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1826–1908 |
Frölich | Erasmus | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1700–1758 |
Stifter | Adalbert | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1805–1868 |
Schmerling | Anton Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1894 | Faculty of Law and State | 1805–1893 |
Stoerck | Anton Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1731–1803 |