Johannes Himmel (Hymel), Mag. art., Dr. theol., Prof. theol.

1390 – 11.11.1450
born in Weiz, Austria

(Joannes (Iohannes) Himel (Hymmel) de Weycz)


Dean Arts Faculty 1422/23
Rector 1425
Dean Arts Faculty 1428/29
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1431
Vice Chancellor 1433
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1437
Rector 1437/38
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1438
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1440/41
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1441
Rector 1441/42
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1445
Dean Faculty of Catholic Theology 1448/49

Passauer Offizial, ab 1430 Kanoniker von St. Stephan, 1432 Konzilsprecher zu Basel


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 08/06/21