1 - 24 / 42 Articles
Women in Science
Medieval and early modern book stock at the University of Vienna
Peregrinatio academica
13.Jhdt–16.Jhdt -
Law and Economics, part I
1365–1900 -
Astronomy | The Vienna Observatory through the ages
1755–1900 -
The new Aula
1756 -
The development of the university library into a modern institution
1777–1884 -
Student corporations in the 19th and 20th century
19.Jhdt–20.Jhdt -
Physics in Vienna in the 19th century
1850–1915 -
University jubilees
1865–2015 -
“Furor teutonicus and racial hate”
1867–1893 -
The Arkadenhof (arcaded courtyard) in the main building of the University of Vienna
1884–2005 -
Upheavals at the library shelves
1884–2015 -
The rectors’ plaque in the University of Vienna’s main building on the Ring
Herbst 1892–21.Jhdt -
Law and Economics, part II
1893–2015 -
Female enrolment
1897–21.Jhdt -
Women’s and gender studies
20.Jhdt–21.Jhdt -
DENK-MAL Marpe Lanefesch
1903–2015 -
The first habilitations of women at the University of Vienna
1905–1957 -
The Castalia Fountain in the Arkadenhof of the University of Vienna
1910–2015 -
The “Bärenhöhle” – a secret anti-Semitic group of professors in the inter-war period
1918–1965 -
100 years of law studies for women
1919–21.Jhdt -
Terror against the Anatomical Institute of Julius Tandler
1920–1934 -
The “Vienna Circle” („Wiener Kreis“)