Peter Busäus
1540 – 12.4.1587
born in Nimwegen, Gelderland (Nijmegen, Niederlande), Netherlands
died in Wien, Austria
(Petrus Busaeus)
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1572/73 |
Vice dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1575 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1575/76 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1577/78 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1581 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1582/83 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1585 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1586/87 |
- Roman Catholic Theology
- Biblical Science of the New Covenant
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
Jesuit, Professor des Neuen Testaments, 1586 Rektor des Jesuitenkollegs
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 08/06/21