Chronological Listing of the functionaries of the University of Vienna.
1 - 50 / 885 Personen
Surname | Forename | Function | Duration | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Langer Ritter von Edenberg | Karl | Rector | 1875/76 | Faculty of Medicine | 1819–1887 |
Biebl | Richard | Rector | 1970/71 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1908–1974 |
Chulber | Christoph | Rector | 1517/18 | 15th Cent.–1529 | |
Benedino | Dominicus | Rector | 1769/70 | –1771 | |
Rueff | Thomas | Rector | 1608 | 16th Cent.–1612 | |
Kreuznach | Nikolaus von | Rector | 1473/74 | 1430–1491 | |
Tannstetter | Georg | Rector | 1512/13 | 1482–1535 | |
Muchitsch | Petrus | Rector | 1579/80 | 16th Cent.–1600 | |
Wullersdorf | Jakob von | Rector | 1447 | –1466 | |
Eder | Georg | Rector | 1558 | 1523–1587 | |
Königgrätz | Christian von | Rector | 1419/20 | 14th Cent.–15th Cent. | |
Stelzhammer | Johann Christoph | Rector | 1826/27 | 1750–1840 | |
Graefinger | Albin | Rector | 1525 | –1532 | |
Sonnenfels | Josef von | Rector | 1793/94 | 1733–1817 | |
Hold-Ferneck | Alexander | Rector | 1934/35 | Faculty of Law and State | 1875–1955 |
Mylgiesser (Mülgiesser) | Leonhard | Rector | 1636/37 | –1645 | |
Rarkoch von Mistelbach | Michael | Rector | 1494 | 15th Cent.–1495 | |
Hack | Joseph Anton von | Rector | 1750/51 | –1765 | |
Pollinger | Johann | Rector | 1603/04 | 16th Cent.–1617 | |
Heim von Rottenburg | Hermann | Rector | 1460/61 | 15th Cent. | |
Garzaroll von Garzarollshoff | Franz Josef | Rector | 1690/91 | 17th Cent.–1699 | |
Polzmacher | Johannes | Rector | 1438 | –15th Cent. | |
Villinus (Höffler) | Leonhard | Rector | 1549/50 | –1567 | |
Suchenschatz | Michael | Rector | 1409/10 | 14th Cent.–1424 | |
Tobenz | Joseph Edler von | Rector | 1791/92 | 18th Cent. | |
Edlinger | Martin | Rector | 1529/30 | 15th Cent.–1533 | |
Lurz | Hermann | Rector | 1390/91 | 14th Cent.–1399 | |
Pörsius | Paul | Rector | 1625/26 | –1637 | |
Wölfel | Martin | Rector | 1482 | 15th Cent. | |
Möller | Johann Urban | Rector | 1733/34 | –1748 | |
Scultetus | Balthasar | Rector | 1601/02 | 16th Cent.–1613 | |
Leubmann von Melk | Paul | Rector | 1471/72 | –1479 | |
Seback | Vincenz | Rector | 1870/71 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1805–1890 |
Weidner von Billerburg | Paulus | Rector | 1582/83 | 1525–1585 | |
Geuss | Johannes | Rector | 1427/28 | 1370–1440 | |
Fellinger | Karl | Rector | 1964/65 | 1904–2000 | |
Brassicanus | Johann Ludwig | Rector | 1542 | 1509–1549 | |
Berwardi von Villingen | Johannes | Rector | 1403 | 14th Cent.–1411 | |
La Bresche | Johann Wilhelm de | Rector | 1681/82 | 17th Cent.–1694 | |
Sartoris von Premarthon | Michael | Rector | 1508/09 | 15th Cent.–16th Cent. | |
Randegg (Randeck) | Johannes von | Rector | 1377/78 | –1386 | |
Müllner | Laurenz | Rector | 1894/95 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1848–1911 |
Escherich | Gustav Ritter von | Rector | 1903/04 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1849–1935 |
Siess | Georg | Rector | 1621 | –1647 | |
Tichtel | Bartholomäus | Rector | 1487 | 15th Cent. | |
Mayr von Mayersfeld | Johannes Bertrand | Rector | 1719/20 (I) | 1676–1720 | |
Eham | Michael | Rector | 1592 | 16th Cent.–1608 | |
Hayden | Hieronymus | Rector | 1674/75 | –1698 | |
Reisch | Emil | Rector | 1916/17 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1863–1933 |
Sedlmair | Georg | Rector | 1565 | –1572 |