Chronological Listing of the functionaries of the University of Vienna.
701 - 750 / 885 Personen
Surname | Forename | Function |
Duration![]() |
Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Matoschek | Franz Xaver Ritter von | Rector | 1812/13 | 1758–1828 | |
Mayer | Joseph Ernst | Rector | 1813/14 | 1752–1814 | |
Steindl | Mathias Paulus | Rector | 1814/15 | 1761–1828 | |
Debrois Edler von Bruyck | Johann | Rector | 1815/16 | 1751–1830 | |
Türkheim | Ludwig Freiherr von | Rector | 1816/17 | 1777–1846 | |
Lang | Franz Innozenz von | Rector | 1817/18 | 1752–1835 | |
Wenzel | Andreas | Rector | 1818/19 | 1759–1831 | |
Debrois Edler von Bruyck | Johann | Rector | 1819/20 | 1751–1830 | |
Stifft | Andreas Josef Freiherr von | Rector | 1820/21 | 1760–1836 | |
Bretfeld-Chlumczansky zu Kronenburg | Franz Joseph Freiherr von | Rector | 1821/22 | 1777–1839 | |
Jüstel | Josef Alois | Rector | 1822/23 | 1765–1858 | |
Pratobevera Freiherr von Wiesborn | Karl Josef | Rector | 1823/24 | 1769–1853 | |
Fiedler | Alois | Rector | 1824/25 | 1765–1840 | |
Lichtensteiner OSB | Meinrad | Rector | 1825/26 | 1759–1834 | |
Stelzhammer | Johann Christoph | Rector | 1826/27 | 1750–1840 | |
Schwabel Freiherr von Adlersburg | Karl | Rector | 1827/28 | 1774–1855 | |
Türkheim | Ludwig Freiherr von | Rector | 1828/29 | 1777–1846 | |
Ridler | Johann Wilhelm | Rector | 1829/30 | 1772–1834 | |
Wagner | Michael Johann | Rector | 1830/31 | 1788–1842 | |
Sommaruga | Franz Seraph Freiherr von | Rector | 1831/32 | 1780–1860 | |
Raimann | Johann Nepomuk Ritter von | Rector | 1832/33 | 1780–1847 | |
Hallaschka | Franz Ignaz Cassian | Rector | 1833/34 | 1780–1847 | |
Pletz | Joseph | Rector | 1834/35 | 1788–1840 | |
Taaffe | Ludwig Patrick Graf von | Rector | 1835/36 | 1791–1855 | |
Rettenbach | Franz de Paula Wirer von | Rector | 1836/37 | 1771–1844 | |
Jüstel | Josef Alois | Rector | 1837/38 | 1765–1858 | |
Ruttenstock | Jakob | Rector | 1838/39 | 1776–1844 | |
Weiss Edler von Starkenfels | Johann Baptist | Rector | 1839/40 | 1782–1847 | |
Schiffner | Johann Christian | Rector | 1840/41 | 1779–1857 | |
Hieber | Johann Franz Edler von | Rector | 1841/42 | 1764–1843 | |
Buchmayer | Anton Alois | Rector | 1842/43 | 1770–1851 | |
Plappart von Leenheer | Anton Freiherr | Rector | 1843/44 | 1780–1860 | |
Güntner | Franz Xaver Ritter von | Rector | 1844/45 | 1790–1882 | |
Heintl jun. | Franz Xaver Ritter von | Rector | 1845/46 | 1796–1881 | |
Feigerle | Ignaz | Rector | 1846/47 | 1795–1863 | |
Jenull | Sebastian | Rector | 1847/48 | 1777–1848 | |
Well | Wilhelm Edler von | Rector | 1848/49 | 1797–1879 | |
Baumgartner | Andreas Freiherr von | Rector | 1849/50 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1793–1865 |
Schultes | Sigismund | Rector | 1850/51 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1801–1861 |
Pipitz | Joseph Ritter von | Rector | 1851/52 | 1798–1877 | |
Rokitansky | Carl Freiherr von | Rector | 1852/53 | Faculty of Medicine | 1804–1878 |
Miklosich [Miklošič] | Franz Xaver von | Rector | 1853/54 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Scheiner | Josef | Rector | 1854/55 | 1798–1867 | |
Springer | Johann | Rector | 1855/56 | Faculty of Law and State | 1789–1869 |
Schroff | Carl Damian | Rector | 1856/57 | Faculty of Medicine | 1802–1887 |
Kaiser | Johann Nepomuk | Rector | 1857/58 | 1792–1865 | |
Kutschker | Johann Rudolf | Rector | 1858/59 | 1810–1881 | |
Grassl von Rechten | Ignaz | Rector | 1859/60 | Faculty of Law and State | 1795–1889 |
Oppolzer | Johann Ritter von | Rector | 1860/61 | Faculty of Medicine | 1808–1871 |
Ettingshausen | Andreas Ritter von | Rector | 1861/62 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1796–1878 |