Chronological Listing of the functionaries of the University of Vienna.
51 - 100 / 885 Personen
Surname | Forename | Function | Duration | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Sluter von Geldern | Lambert | Rector | 1399/1400 | 14th Cent.–1419 | |
Zimmermann | Robert von | Rector | 1886/87 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1824–1898 |
Aichbühel (Aichpüchl) | Johann Karl von | Rector | 1649/50 | 1598–1658 | |
Ludweig | Oswald | Rector | 1499/1500 | 15th Cent.–16th Cent. | |
Söhnlein | Johann Friedrich | Rector | 1738/39 | –1752 | |
Zschokke | Hermann | Rector | 1884/85 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1838–1920 |
Zwirschlag | Stephan Sebastian | Rector | 1630/31 | –1665 | |
Horn | Kilian | Rector | 1484 | 15th Cent. | |
Spaun | Franz Anton Edler von | Rector | 1739/40 | –1741 | |
Müllner | Laurenz | Rector | 1894/95 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1848–1911 |
Pampelius jun. | Johann | Rector | 1595/96 | 16th Cent.–1622 | |
Christian | Viktor | Rector | 1944/45 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1885–1963 |
Mayr von Amberg | Georg | Rector | 1454/55 (I) | ||
Raidel | Thomas | Rector | 1575/76 | 16th Cent.–1584 | |
Weiler von Heilbronn | Jodok | Rector | 1447/48 | –1457 | |
Rayffperger | Stephan | Rector | 1545/46 | –1548 | |
Czech von Pulkau | Peter | Rector | 1407 | 14th Cent.–1425 | |
Dankesreither | Johann Nepomuk Ritter von | Rector | 1806/07 | 1750–1823 | |
Kauffmann | Ulrich | Rector | 1520 | 15th Cent.–16th Cent. | |
Kolb | Koloman | Rector | 1395/96 | 14th Cent.–1402 | |
Hoffman | Michael | Rector | 1621/22 | –1629 | |
Vahlen | Johannes | Rector | 1873/74 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1830–1911 |
Kaltenmarkter | Johannes | Rector | 1486 | 15th Cent.–16th Cent. | |
Langer Ritter von Edenberg | Karl | Rector | 1875/76 | Faculty of Medicine | 1819–1887 |
Lacu | Alexander a | Rector | 1587/88 | 16th Cent.–1613 | |
Lebzeltern | Karl Wolfgang von | Rector | 1712/13 | 17th Cent.–1732 | |
Hofmair | Melchior | Rector | 1570 | 16th Cent.–1586 | |
Lutz von Hallstatt | Konrad | Rector | 1436 | –15th Cent. | |
Gennzinger | Peter Leopold Edler von | Rector | 1792/93 | –18th Cent. | |
Schwartz | Stephan | Rector | 1538 | –1575 | |
Taggel von Waldsee | Martin | Rector | 1396/97 | 14th Cent.–1399 | |
Ludwig | Johann | Rector | 1664/65 | –1666 | |
Trapp | Johannes | Rector | 1505/06 | 15th Cent.–1524 | |
Schwind | Friedrich (Fritz) August | Rector | 1967/68 | Faculty of Law and State | 1913–2013 |
Rechperger | Wilhelm | Rector | 1623 | –1657 | |
Goldner von Hainburg | Johannes | Rector | 1471 | 15th Cent. | |
Hold-Ferneck | Alexander | Rector | 1934/35 | Faculty of Law and State | 1875–1955 |
Luetanus | Hubertus | Rector | 1593 | 16th Cent.–1600 | |
Siebenhaar von Eschenbach | Friedrich | Rector | 1449/50 | –1457 | |
Eder | Georg | Rector | 1580 | 1523–1587 | |
Zink von Herzogenburg | Johannes | Rector | 1421 | 14th Cent.–15th Cent. | |
Rollemann | Quodvultdeus (Wasgottwill) von | Rector | 1782/83 | 18th Cent. | |
Aurifaber | Johann | Rector | 1535 | –1541 | |
Ebendorfer von Haselbach | Thomas | Rector | 1429/30 | 1388–1464 | |
Lamprecht | Georg Heinrich von | Rector | 1718/19 | 1659–1720 | |
Holler | Bernhard | Rector | 1647/48 | –1648 | |
Kräler | Valentin | Rector | 1497 | 15th Cent. | |
Anderler von Hohenwald | Philipp Jakob Ignaz | Rector | 1756/57 | –1763 | |
Reinisch | Simon Leo | Rector | 1896/97 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1832–1919 |
Scholtz | Jakob | Rector | 1606 | 16th Cent.–1625 |