The search found 718 results in 0.028 seconds.
Search results
Franz de Paula Michael Reisser
Otto Kallir-Nirenstein
1.4.1894–30.11.1978 -
The beginnings of the Alma Mater Rudolphina
Alfred Pletscher
1917–12.12.2006 -
Maria Theresia von Österreich (Habsburg)
13.5.1717–29.11.1780 -
Hermann Stenger
29.8.1920–26.6.2016 -
Hans Hattenhauer
8.9.1931–20.3.2015 -
Felix Milgrom
12.10.1919–2.9.2007 -
Anton Schrötter von Kristelli
26.11.1802–15.4.1875 -
Wilhelm Schmidt
16.2.1868–10.2.1954 -
Kurt Schubert
4.3.1923–4.2.2007 -
George Mandler
11.6.1924–6.5.2016 -
The development of the university library into a modern institution
1777–1884 -
Henry Rappaport
1918–2003 -
Thomas Slunecko
1963 -
John E. Ultmann
6.1.1925–23.10.2000 -
Bernhard Schäfer
26.1.1841–15.6.1926 -
Felix Horb
14.3.1890–22.6.1958 -
Abraham Malamat
1.1922–21.1.2010 -
Karsten Schmidt
1939 - 1