Denkmalgruppe Leo Graf von Thun-Hohenstein, Franz Exner und Hermann Bonitz Universitas semper reformanda 1873–2004 The history of university reforms is almost as old as the universities themselves. In the center of the often controversially led arguments that accompanied and...2 Articles
Auszug aus einem Logbuch des Rechenzentrums How a university computerizes itself 1955–21.Jhdt This text traces – in a broad outline – the arrival of digital computing at the University of Vienna. Contemporary...
Zwickelbild „Naturwissenschaft“, Detailansicht des Deckengemäldes im großen Festsaal im Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien Physics in Vienna in the 19th century 1850–1915 1850 to 1910: No other period of physics in Vienna saw such a concentration of prominent physics research and renowned...