Hans Tuppy, Prof. Dr.
22.7.1924 – 24.4.2024
born in Wien, Austria
Dean | Faculty of Medicine | 1970/71–1971/72 |
Rector | Faculty of Medicine | 1983/84–1984/85 |
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Faculty of Medicine
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 06/20/24
Kurt Schubert (1923–2007), Erika Weinzierl (1925–2014) and Hans Tuppy (1924–2024) at the unveiling of a plaque at the Frankgasse 1
Hans Tuppy (1924–2024) at the appointment ceremony of Kurt Schubert as Honorary Senator of the University of Vienna
Appointment ceremony of Kurt Schubert as honorary senator of the University of Vienna by rector Karl Wernhart and Hans Tuppy
Verleihung der Ehrensenatorenwürde an Kurt Schubert durch Rektor Karl Wernhart und Hans Tuppy
Akademic Functionaries at the celebration “100 Jahre Haus am Ring”
Prodean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology Univ.-Prof. Josef Lenzenweger , Dean of the Faculty of Protestant Theology Univ.-Prof. Hans-Christoph...
Rectors and deans at the appointment ceremony of Peter Henn as Honorary Citizen of the University of Vienna
from left to right: Rector Holczabek , Rector Tuppy , Dean Kubelka , Dean Oberhammer , Dean Mader , Dean Öhlinger , Dean Sauer , Dean Langer