Heinz W. Engl, o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

born in Linz, Austria

2007-2011 Vice-Rector for Research and Career Development, 2011-2022 Rector of the University of Vienna


Vice rector 2007/08–2010/11
Rector 2011/12–2014/15
Rector 2015/16–2018/19
Rector 2019/20–2021/22

Education and Academic Career

1971: Graduation from Bundesgymnasium, Linz
1975: Diplomingenieur degree in Technical Mathematics, University of Linz
1977: Doctoral degree, University of Linz (sub auspiciis praesidentis)
1979: Habilitation in Mathematics, University of Linz
1981: Appointed as associate professor at the University of Linz
1988: Full Professor of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Linz
1992-1996: Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation
1994-2003: Member of the Board and Reporter of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
1995-2000: Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Linz
1996: Founder and owner of the company MathConsult GmbH
1998-2008: Long-term project "Large scale inverse Problems" within the Special Research Programme "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing" of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
2002-2011: Scientific Head of the Industrial Mathematics Competence Center (IMCC), Linz
2003-2007: Member and Vice-Chairman of the University Council of the Graz University of Technology
Since 2003: Full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (corresponding member from 2000 to 2003)
2003-2011: Director, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2005-2008: FWF thematic doctoral programme in Molecular Bioanalytics
2007: Pioneer Prize of the International Consortium for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
2007-2011: Vice-Rector for Research and Career Development at the University of Vienna
2009: SIAM Fellow for key contributions to applied mathematics and computational science
2009: Kepler Prize of the Upper Austrian Government
Since 2010: Honorary professor at Fudan University, Shanghai
Since 1 October 2011: Rector of the University of Vienna, (1st term: 1 October 2011 until 30 September 2015; 2nd term: 1 October 2015 until 30 September 2019)
2012: Honorary doctorate from Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany)
2013: Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
2013: Member of Academia Europaea

Guest Professorships and Long-Term Academic Visits

1976/77: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
1978/79: University of Delaware, USA
1986 and 1989: Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University
1988/89: University of Vienna
1994: Call as Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
2001: University of Oxford, UK
2001: Call as Tenured Full Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA (declined)
2003/04: Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles

End of the Rectorate and honors

On October 5, 2021, the University Council and the Rectorate of the University of Vienna announced that Rector Engl would not remain in office until the end of the current term of office (September 30, 2023) at his express request, but would step down from his position as Rector with effect from September 30, 2022.

In the fall of 2022, the University of Vienna presented a memorial and commemorative tree with the dedication base text:

This antler tree (Gymnocladus dioica) was planted in honor and in grateful memory of the Rectorates 2011-2022 Rector Heinz W. Engl and the Vice Rectors Heinz Faßmann, Regina Hitzenberger, Roland Maier, Christa Schnabl, Karl Schwaha, Jean Robert Tyran, Susanne Weigelin Schwiedrzik.

planted in courtyard 1 on the campus. The tree is located on the path parallel to Alser Straße between the garbage dump and the electricity transformer opposite the Research Center for the History of Translation (door 1.1.4).

On May 22, 2023, he was awarded the "Grand Decoration of Honor in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria"

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 07/25/24
