Valentin Kräler, Mag. art., Dr. theol.
15th Cent.
born in Niederhollabrunn, Austria
(Valentinus (Valentinvs) Kraeler (Kreler, Khreler, Kraeler, Kraler))
Dean | Arts Faculty | 1494/95 |
Rector | 1497 | |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1507/08 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1513 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1517/18 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1521/22 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1523 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1527 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1529/30 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1531/32 |
Vice Chancellor | 1522 |
- Roman Catholic Theology
- Arts Faculty
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 08/06/21