251 - 300 / 1568 Personen
Surname | Forename | Honor | Date | Faculty |
Birth/death dates![]() |
Wächter | Karl Georg von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1797–1880 |
Rose | Gustav | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1798–1873 |
Peithner von Lichtenfels | Thaddäus Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1798–1877 |
Pipitz | Joseph Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1798–1877 |
Kreil | Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1798–1862 |
Kupffer | Adolph Theodor | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1799–1865 |
Enk Von Der Burg | Leopold (P. Michael OSB) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1799–1843 |
Stülz | Jodok | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1799–1872 |
Döllinger | Johann Joseph Ignaz Ritter von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1799–1890 |
Barrande | Joachim | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1799–1883 |
Mohl | Robert von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1799–1875 |
Baum | Wilhelm | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1799–1883 |
Hauser | Alfred | Medal of Honor | 1928 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Sjöström | Martin | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Wagner | Hans | Badge of Honor | 1936 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Rickard | Edgar | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Gummi | Albert | Honorary Doctorate | 1910/11 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
N. | N. | Honorary Doctorate | 1864/65 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 19th Cent. |
Purgstaller | Joseph | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 19th Cent. |
Wedl | Anton | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–1929 | |
Vincent | George E. | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
N. | N. | Honorary Doctorate | 1876/77 | Faculty of Philosophy | 19th Cent. |
Rais | Johann | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 19th Cent. |
Fogarassy | Michael | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1800–1882 |
Bakeman | George W. | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Olofson | Axel | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Hoshangje | Dastur Asa Jamasi | Honorary Doctorate | 1886/87 | Faculty of Philosophy | 19th Cent. |
Lieber | Hugo | Medal of Honor | 1923 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Teutsch | Johann | Honorary Doctorate | 1910/11 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
Stampf | Ambros | Honorary Doctorate | 1834 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | –19th Cent. |
Auer | Johann | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 19th Cent. |
Schott | Theodor | Honorary Doctorate | 1870/71 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent. |
Lichtenhahn | Friedrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1921/22 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
Lyon | Darwin Oliver | Medal of Honor | 1922 | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. | |
Dušek | Vinzenz | Honorary Doctorate | 1910/11 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
Brandis | Carl | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 19th Cent. |
N. | N. | Honorary Doctorate | 1858/59 | Faculty of Philosophy | 19th Cent. |
Huber | Victor Aimé | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1869 |
Wöhler | Friedrich | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1882 |
Unger | Franz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1870 |
Unger | Franz | Monument in arcaded court | 1901 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1870 |
Wieser | Franz Christian | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1800–1866 |
Schultes | Sigismund | Honorary Doctorate | 1834 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1801–1861 |
Jäger, OSB | Albert | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1801–1891 |
Bauernfeld | Eduard von | Honorary Doctorate | 1882/83 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1802–1890 |
Bauernfeld | Eduard von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1802–1890 |
Zelinka | Andreas | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1802–1868 |
Lenau | Nikolaus (Nikolaus Franz Niembsch Edler von Strehlenau) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1802–1850 |
Exner sen. | Franz Serafin | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1802–1853 |
Exner sen. | Franz Serafin | Monument in arcaded court | 1893 | 1802–1853 |