351 - 400 / 1568 Personen
Surname | Forename | Honor | Date | Faculty |
Birth/death dates![]() |
Bluntschli | Johann Kaspar | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1808–1881 |
Růžička | Josef | Honorary Licentiate | 1870/71 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1808–1872 |
Hock | Carl Ferdinand Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1808–1869 |
Vangerow | Adolph von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1808–1870 |
Reslhuber | Augustin | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1808–1875 |
Seligmann | Franz Romeo | Gate of Remembrance | 1998/99 | 1808–1892 | |
Ahrens | Heinrich | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1808–1874 |
Haupt | Moriz | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1808–1874 |
Oppolzer | Johann Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1890 | Faculty of Medicine | 1808–1871 |
Hefele | Karl Joseph von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1809–1893 |
Schwarzenberg | Friedrich Fürst zu | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1809–1885 |
Hanssen | Georg | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Law and State | 1809–1894 |
Henle | Jakob | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1809–1885 |
Heer | Oswald | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1809–1883 |
Tomaschek | Eduard Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1810–1890 |
Karajan | Theodor Georg Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1810–1873 |
Ehrlich | Johann | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1864 |
Redtenbacher | Josef | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1870 |
Kutschker | Johann Rudolf | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1881 |
Ruete | Christian Georg Theodor | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1867 |
Megerle Edler von Mühlfeld | Eugen Alexander | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1810–1868 |
Perger von Pergenau | Heinrich Edler | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1810–1878 |
Türck | Ludwig | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1868 |
Valentin | Gabriel Gustav | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1883 |
Langenbeck | Bernhard von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1887 |
Pirogow | Nikolai Iwanowitsch | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1881 |
Litwinowicz | Spiridion | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1869 |
Hyrtl | Josef | Monument in arcaded court | 1889 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1894 |
Birk | Ernst von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1810–1891 |
Bunsen | Robert Wilhelm | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1811–1899 |
Bunsen | Robert Wilhelm | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1811–1899 |
Thun-Hohenstein | Leo Graf von | Monument in arcaded court | 1893 | 1811–1888 | |
Reuss | August Emanuel von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1811–1873 |
Littrow | Karl Ludwig von | Monument in arcaded court | 1892 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1811–1877 |
Littrow | Karl Ludwig von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1811–1877 |
Littrow | Karl Ludwig von | Monument | Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy | 1811–1877 | |
Littrow | Karl Ludwig von | Room Name | 2011 | Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy | 1811–1877 |
Dieringer | Franz Xaver | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1811–1876 |
Reichert | Karl Bogislaus | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1811–1883 |
Porubszky | Gustav | Honorary Doctorate | 1870/71 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1812–1876 |
Arlt | Ferdinand von | Monument in arcaded court | 1896 | Faculty of Medicine | 1812–1887 |
Bruns | Viktor von | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1812–1883 |
Meiller | Andreas von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1812–1871 |
Bernard | Claude | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Medicine | 1813–1878 |
Hansen | Theophil | Honorary Doctorate | 1882/83 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Simor | János (Johann) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1813–1873 |
Waitz | Georg | Honorary Member Doctoral college | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1886 |
Miklosich [Miklošič] | Franz Xaver von | Monument in arcaded court | 1897 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Miklosich [Miklošič] | Franz Xaver von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1950 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Fessler | Joseph | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1813–1872 |