601 - 650 / 1568 Personen
Surname | Forename |
Honor![]() |
Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Geduly | Ludwig Gabriel | Honorary Doctorate | 1882/83 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1815–1890 |
Metz | Johann Baptist | Honorary Doctorate | 1994/95 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1928 |
Hainisch | Michael | Honorary Doctorate | 1924/25 | Faculty of Law and State | 1858–1940 |
Braig | Augustin | Honorary Doctorate | 1807 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1766–1821 |
Ludwig | Carl | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1816–1895 |
Pulzer | Peter George Julius | Honorary Doctorate | 2012/13 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1929–2023 |
Morgenstern | Oskar | Honorary Doctorate | 1964/65 | Faculty of Law and State | 1902–1977 |
Braubach | Max | Honorary Doctorate | 1964/65 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1899–1975 |
Mangold | Wilhelm | Honorary Doctorate | 1862/63 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1825–1890 |
Vaux O.P. | Roland de | Honorary Doctorate | 1964/65 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1903–1971 |
Aichner | Simon | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1816–1910 |
Lehn | Jean-Marie | Honorary Doctorate | 2018/19 | Faculty of Chemistry | 1939 |
Lohfink | Norbert | Honorary Doctorate | 1992/93 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1928 |
Hilberg | Raul | Honorary Doctorate | 1996/97 | Faculty of Humanities | 1926–2007 |
Spitzmüller Freiherr von Harmersbach sen. | Alexander | Honorary Doctorate | 1951/52 | Faculty of Law and State | 1862–1953 |
Maurer | Georg Ludwig von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1790–1872 |
Gombrich | Sir Ernst Hans | Honorary Doctorate | 1998/99 | Faculty of Humanities | 1909–2001 |
Feigerle | Ignaz | Honorary Doctorate | 1838 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1795–1863 |
Lichtenhahn | Friedrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1921/22 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
Eiselsberg | Anton Freiherr von | Honorary Doctorate | 1936/37 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1860–1939 |
Daxer | Georg | Honorary Doctorate | 1910/11 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1871–1917 |
Jahoda | Marie | Honorary Doctorate | 1998/99 | Faculty of Integrative Studies | 1907–2001 |
N. | N. | Honorary Doctorate | 1858/59 | Faculty of Philosophy | 19th Cent. |
Berres Edler von Perez | Christian Joseph | Honorary Doctorate | 1834 | Faculty of Medicine | 1796–1844 |
Seberini | Gustav Adolf | Honorary Doctorate | 1870/71 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1816–1890 |
Wagner | Michael Johann | Honorary Doctorate | 1827 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1788–1842 |
Sušil | František | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1804–1868 |
Auersperg (Anastasius Grün) | Anton Graf | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1806–1876 |
Brauner | Franz Xaver | Honorary Doctorate | 1832 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | –1858 |
Ludwig | Walther | Honorary Doctorate | 2016 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1929 |
Kuryłowicz | Jerzy | Honorary Doctorate | 1964/65 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1895–1978 |
Deshayes | Gérard Paul | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1795–1875 |
Yaron | Reuven | Honorary Doctorate | 1998/99 | Faculty of Law | 1924–2014 |
Braun | Stephan | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | |
Holtzmann | Heinrich Julius | Honorary Doctorate | 1862/63 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1832–1910 |
Meiller | Andreas von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1812–1871 |
Akinian | Nerses Vardapit | Honorary Doctorate | 1954 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1883–1963 |
Löffler | Wilhelm | Honorary Doctorate | 1964/65 | Faculty of Medicine | 1887–1972 |
Meyer | Hans Horst | Honorary Doctorate | 1936/37 | Faculty of Medicine | 1853–1939 |
Saleh | Jehan Shah | Honorary Doctorate | 1972/73 | Faculty of Medicine | 1904–1996 |
Coreth | Anna | Honorary Doctorate | 1983/84 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1915–2008 |
Zumbusch | Kaspar Ritter von | Honorary Doctorate | 1911/12 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1830–1915 |
Wilburg | Walter | Honorary Doctorate | 1974/75 | Faculty of Law and State | 1905–1991 |
Starck | Dietrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1974/75 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1908–2001 |
Buchmayer | Anton Alois | Honorary Doctorate | 1836 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1770–1851 |
Rille | Johann Heinrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1954/55 | Faculty of Medicine | 1864–1956 |
König | René | Honorary Doctorate | 1984/85 | Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences | 1906–1992 |
Dušek | Vinzenz | Honorary Doctorate | 1910/11 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 19th Cent.–20th Cent. |
Wenger | Leopold | Honorary Doctorate | 1946/47 | Faculty of Law and State | 1874–1953 |
N. | N. | Honorary Doctorate | 1864/65 | Faculty of Philosophy |