Chronological Listing of the functionaries of the University of Vienna.
751 - 800 / 885 Personen
Surname | Forename |
Function![]() |
Duration | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Himmel (Hymel) | Johannes | Rector | 1441/42 | 1390–1450 | |
Hieber | Johann Franz Edler von | Rector | 1841/42 | 1764–1843 | |
Gastgeb | Johann | Rector | 1534/35 | –1535 | |
Lelle von Treysa | Hermann | Rector | 1406/07 | 14th Cent.–1413 | |
Chulber | Christoph | Rector | 1517/18 | 15th Cent.–1529 | |
Benedino | Dominicus | Rector | 1769/70 | –1771 | |
Rueff | Thomas | Rector | 1608 | 16th Cent.–1612 | |
Kreuznach | Nikolaus von | Rector | 1473/74 | 1430–1491 | |
Tannstetter | Georg | Rector | 1512/13 | 1482–1535 | |
Muchitsch | Petrus | Rector | 1579/80 | 16th Cent.–1600 | |
Wullersdorf | Jakob von | Rector | 1447 | –1466 | |
Neumann | Leopold Freiherr von | Rector | 1867/68 | Faculty of Law and State | 1811–1888 |
Czermak | Wilhelm | Rector | 1952/53 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1889–1953 |
Eder | Georg | Rector | 1558 | 1523–1587 | |
Königgrätz | Christian von | Rector | 1419/20 | 14th Cent.–15th Cent. | |
Stelzhammer | Johann Christoph | Rector | 1826/27 | 1750–1840 | |
Graefinger | Albin | Rector | 1525 | –1532 | |
Sonnenfels | Josef von | Rector | 1793/94 | 1733–1817 | |
Mylgiesser (Mülgiesser) | Leonhard | Rector | 1636/37 | –1645 | |
Rarkoch von Mistelbach | Michael | Rector | 1494 | 15th Cent.–1495 | |
Hack | Joseph Anton von | Rector | 1750/51 | –1765 | |
Pollinger | Johann | Rector | 1603/04 | 16th Cent.–1617 | |
Heim von Rottenburg | Hermann | Rector | 1460/61 | 15th Cent. | |
Schlachter | Stephan | Rector | 1600 | 16th Cent.–1606 | |
Heim von Rottenburg | Hermann | Rector | 1472/73 | 15th Cent. | |
Vogl Ritter von Fernheim | August Emil | Rector | 1887/88 | Faculty of Medicine | 1833–1909 |
Plöckner | Wolfgang | Rector | 1680/81 | 17th Cent.–1700 | |
Kreuzer | Pankraz | Rector | 1438/39 | –1478 | |
Lorenz | Ottokar | Rector | 1880/81 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1832–1904 |
Knoll | Fritz (Friedrich) | Rector | 1938–1943 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1883–1981 |
Villinus (Höffler) | Leonhard | Rector | 1551/52 | –1567 | |
Wittich | Johannes | Rector | 1411 | 14th Cent.–15th Cent. | |
Lorenz | Martin von | Rector | 1794/95 | 1748–1828 | |
Wentzelhauser | Johann | Rector | 1520/21 | 15th Cent.–1521 | |
Gars | Friedrich von | Rector | 1387/88 | 14th Cent.–1403 | |
Haffner | Martin von | Rector | 1626 | –1654 | |
Wölfel | Martin | Rector | 1492 | 15th Cent. | |
Rosner Can. Aug. | Joseph | Rector | 1734/35 | –1759 | |
Scultetus | Balthasar | Rector | 1605/06 | 16th Cent.–1613 | |
Hueber von Freistadt | Johannes | Rector | 1452/53 | 15th Cent.–1478 | |
Seitelberger | Franz | Rector | 1975/76–1976/77 | Faculty of Medicine | 1916–2007 |
Pampelius sen. | Johann | Rector | 1573 | 16th Cent.–1579 | |
Geuss | Johannes | Rector | 1435/36 | 1370–1440 | |
Hyrtl | Josef | Rector | 1864/65 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1894 |
Engl | Heinz W. | Rector | 2019/20–2021/22 | 1953 | |
Brassicanus | Johann Ludwig | Rector | 1546 | 1509–1549 | |
Aichberger von Fürstenfeld | Nikolaus | Rector | 1402/03 | 14th Cent.–1436 | |
Hoffmann | Johann Georg | Rector | 1683/84 | 17th Cent.–1705 | |
Rheinau | Dietrich | Rector | 1508 | 15th Cent.–16th Cent. | |
Hohenberg | Konrad Graf von | Rector | 1378/79 | 14th Cent.–15th Cent. |