251 - 300 / 1565 Personen
Surname | Forename | Honor | Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Lang | Susanne | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1907–1995 |
Reichmann | Felix | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1899–1987 |
Kurth (geb. Kris) | Betty | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1878–1948 |
Polaczek | Ernst | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1870–1939 |
Tolnay | Charles de | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1899–1981 |
Langer (geb. Fröschel) | Gertrude | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1908–1984 |
Zaloscer | Hilde | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1903–1999 |
Wellesz (geb. Stross) | Emmy | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1889–1987 |
Gombrich | Sir Ernst Hans | Monument for Art Historians | 2008/09 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1909–2001 |
Hobsbawm | Eric J. | Honorary Doctorate | 2007/08 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1917–2012 |
Höhlmüller | Johann | Honorary Citizen | 2007/08 | 1947 | |
Weber | Ekkehard | Honorary Senator | 2007/08 | 1940 | |
Leclant | Jean | Honorary Doctorate | 2007/08 | Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies | 1920–2011 |
Vinek | Günther | Honorary Senator | 2007/08 | 1939–2010 | |
Klambauer | Ernst | Badge of Honor | 2006/07 | Centre for Translation Studies | 1944 |
Schättle | Margarete | Badge of Honor | 2006/07 | Centre for Translation Studies | 1940 |
Schnell | Anneliese | Badge of Honor | 2006/07 | Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy | 1941–2015 |
Plöchl | Willibald | Monument | 2007 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1907–1984 |
Schnitzler | Michael | Badge of Honor | 2006 | 1944 | |
Rudin | Walter | Honorary Doctorate | 2006/07 | Faculty of Mathematics | 1921–2010 |
Bárány | Robert | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1876–1936 | |
Fischer | Hans | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1881–1945 | |
Hess (Heß) | Viktor Franz | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1883–1964 | |
Lorenz | Konrad | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1903–1989 | |
Wagner-Jauregg | Julius | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1857–1940 | |
Loewi | Otto | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1873–1961 | |
Hayek | Friedrich August von | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1899–1992 | |
Schrödinger | Erwin | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1887–1961 | |
Landsteiner | Karl | Monument "Nobel Prize and University of Vienna" | 2005/06 | 1868–1943 | |
Schmetterer | Leopold | Room Name | 2005 | 1919–2004 | |
Weigel | Wolfgang | Badge of Honor | 2004/05 | Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics | 1945 |
Richter | Elise | Scholarships/Awards/Foundations | 2005 | 1865–1943 | |
Blau | Marietta | Room Name | 2005 | 1894–1970 | |
Gottlieb | Bernhard | Scholarships/Awards/Foundations | 2005 | 1885–1950 | |
Loschmidt | Josef | Room Name | 2005 | Faculty of Chemistry | 1821–1895 |
Bartholomaios I. | Honorary Doctorate | 2003/04 | Faculty of Law | 1940 | |
Link | Christoph | Honorary Doctorate | 2003/04 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1933 |
Hoyer | Jörg | Honorary Senator | 2003/04 | 1941 | |
Sharpe | William F. | Honorary Doctorate | 2003/04 | Faculty of Business, Economics and Computer Science | 1934 |
Parizek | Maria | Badge of Honor | 2003/04 | Faculty of Medicine | 1938–2016 |
Gottlieb | Bernhard | Room Name | 2004 | 1885–1950 | |
Kerameus | Konstantinos D. | Honorary Doctorate | 2003/04 | Faculty of Law | 1937 |
Degasperi | Ernst | Honorary Citizen | 2003/04 | ||
Adam | Sieglinde | Badge of Honor | 2002/03 | Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies | 1943 |
Riha | Doris | Badge of Honor | 2002/03 | Faculty of Medicine | 1943 |
Richter | Elise | Room Name | 2003 | Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies | 1865–1943 |
Schmidt | Karsten | Honorary Doctorate | 2002/03 | Faculty of Law | 1939 |
Kraft | Dietrich | Honorary Citizen | 2001/02 | 1937 | |
Wets | Roger | Honorary Doctorate | 2001/02 | Faculty of Business, Economics and Computer Science | 1937 |
Malamat | Abraham | Honorary Doctorate | 2001/02 | Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies | 1922–2010 |