651 - 700 / 1568 Personen
Surname | Forename |
Honor![]() |
Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Toldt | Carl | Honorary Doctorate | 1919/20 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1840–1920 |
Gantenbein | Burkhard | Honorary Doctorate | 1920/21 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1860–1942 |
Schmidt-Ott | Friedrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1929/30 | Faculty of Law and State | 1860–1956 |
Ebner-Eschenbach | Maria Freifrau von | Honorary Doctorate | 1899/00 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1830–1916 |
Bürge | Alfons | Honorary Doctorate | 2010/11 | Faculty of Law | 1947 |
Feine | Paul | Honorary Doctorate | 1897/98 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1859–1933 |
Hartl | Heinrich | Honorary Doctorate | 1898/99 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1840–1903 |
Darnaut | Vinzenz | Honorary Doctorate | 1807 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1770–1821 |
Freud | Anna | Honorary Doctorate | 1971/72 | Faculty of Medicine | 1895–1982 |
Kerameus | Konstantinos D. | Honorary Doctorate | 2003/04 | Faculty of Law | 1937 |
Hauer | Franz von | Honorary Doctorate | 1865 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1822–1899 |
Franz | Gottfried | Honorary Doctorate | 1862/63 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1803–1873 |
Gunesch | Theodor | Honorary Doctorate | 1920/21 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1861–1925 |
Salis | Jean Rudolf von | Honorary Doctorate | 1981/82 | Faculty of Humanities | 1901–1996 |
Crainic | Nichifor | Honorary Doctorate | 1940/41 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1899–1972 |
Wilhelm | Adolf | Honorary Doctorate | 1935/36 | Faculty of Law and State | 1864–1950 |
Mussafia | Adolf(o) | Honorary Doctorate | 1869 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1835–1905 |
Politzer | Adam | Monument in arcaded court | 1983 | Faculty of Medicine | 1835–1920 |
Ultzmann | Robert | Monument in arcaded court | 1929 | Faculty of Medicine | 1842–1889 |
Stein | Lorenz Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1891 | Faculty of Law and State | 1815–1890 |
Böhm Ritter von Bawerk | Eugen | Monument in arcaded court | 1950 | Faculty of Law and State | 1851–1914 |
Ebner-Eschenbach | Maria Freifrau von | Monument in arcaded court | 1925 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1830–1916 |
Hartel | Wilhelm Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1912 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1839–1907 |
Meitner | Lise | Monument in arcaded court | 2015/16 | Faculty of Physics | 1878–1968 |
Loschmidt | Josef | Monument in arcaded court | 1899 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1821–1895 |
Hofmann | Franz | Monument in arcaded court | 1903 | Faculty of Law and State | 1845–1897 |
Much | Rudolf | Monument in arcaded court | 1952 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1862–1936 |
Heinzel | Richard | Monument in arcaded court | 1914 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1905 |
Braun Ritter von Fernwald | Karl Rudolf | Monument in arcaded court | 1894 | Faculty of Medicine | 1823–1891 |
Hanslick | Eduard | Monument in arcaded court | 1913 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1825–1904 |
Zimmermann | Robert von | Monument in arcaded court | 1916 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1824–1898 |
Schipper | Jakob Markus | Monument in arcaded court | 1928 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1842–1915 |
Jagic | Vatroslav von | Monument in arcaded court | 1954 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1923 |
Quarin | Josef Freiherr von | Monument in arcaded court | 1889 | Faculty of Medicine | 1733–1814 |
Wettstein Ritter von Westersheim | Richard | Monument in arcaded court | 1963 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1863–1931 |
Swoboda | Heinrich | Monument in arcaded court | 1956 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1861–1923 |
Kretschmer | Paul | Monument in arcaded court | 1968 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1866–1956 |
Nothnagel | Hermann | Monument in arcaded court | 1910 | Faculty of Medicine | 1841–1905 |
Karlik | Berta | Monument in arcaded court | 2015/16 | Faculty of Physics | 1904–1990 |
Böhm | Josef Anton | Monument in arcaded court | 1895 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1831–1893 |
Unger | Franz | Monument in arcaded court | 1901 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1870 |
Neumayr | Melchior | Monument in arcaded court | 1892 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1845–1890 |
Becke | Friedrich Johann | Monument in arcaded court | 1956 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1855–1931 |
Hasner von Artha | Leopold | Monument in arcaded court | 1899 | Faculty of Law and State | 1818–1891 |
Endlicher | Stephan Ladislaus | Monument in arcaded court | 1897 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1804–1849 |
Hussarek Freiherr von Heinlein | Max | Monument in arcaded court | 1954 | Faculty of Law and State | 1865–1935 |
Meynert | Theodor | Monument in arcaded court | 1901 | Faculty of Medicine | 1833–1892 |
Hasenöhrl | Fritz | Monument in arcaded court | Faculty of Philosophy | 1874–1915 | |
Semmelweis | Ignaz Philipp | Monument in arcaded court | 1967 | Faculty of Medicine | 1818–1865 |
Dittel | Leopold Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1908 | Faculty of Medicine | 1815–1898 |