301 - 350 / 1567 Personen
Surname | Forename | Honor | Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Kern | Vinzenz (Vincenz) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1760–1829 |
Schwarzenberg | Friedrich Fürst zu | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1809–1885 |
Cranz | Heinrich Johann Nepomuk Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1722–1797 |
Grailich | Joseph | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1829–1859 |
Rizy | Franz Theobald Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1807–1872 |
Kopetz | Wenzel Gustav Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1782–1857 |
Meynert | Theodor | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1833–1892 |
Semmelweis | Ignaz Philipp | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1818–1865 |
Haan | Mathias Wilhelm Virgilius Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1737–1816 |
Schwediauer | Franz Xaver | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1748–1824 |
Hammer-Purgstall | Joseph Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1774–1856 |
Kremer | Alfred Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1828–1889 |
Csáky | Nikolaus | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1698–1757 |
Unger | Franz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1800–1870 |
Berres Edler von Perez | Christian Joseph | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1796–1844 |
Rosas | Anton Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1791–1855 |
Kopitar | Bartholomaeus (Jernej) | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1780–1844 |
Müller | Ernest Maria | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1822–1888 |
Reinhold | Carl Leonhard | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1758–1823 |
Calles SJ | Sigismund | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1695–1767 |
Peithner von Lichtenfels | Thaddäus Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1798–1877 |
Schindler | Julius Alexander | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1818–1885 |
Stoll | Maximilian | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1742–1878 |
Günther | Anton | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1783–1863 |
Bessel | Gottfried | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1672–1749 |
Pederzani | Alois | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1796–1854 |
Schwind | Moritz von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1804–1871 |
Czapka Ritter von Winstetten | Ignaz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1791–1881 |
Boër | Johann Lukas | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1751–1835 |
Hittner | Johann Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1700–1787 |
Tomaschek | Eduard Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1810–1890 |
Sonnenfels | Josef von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1733–1817 |
Eckhel | Joseph Hilarius | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1737–1798 |
Rembold | Leopold | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1785–1844 |
Dumreicher Freiherr von Österreicher | Johann Heinrich | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1815–1880 |
Breinl | Friedrich Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 18th Cent.–1808 |
Bamberger | Heinrich von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1822–1888 |
Czermak | Johann Nepomuk | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1828–1873 |
Scherer | Wilhelm | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1841–1886 |
Stepischnegg | Jakob Ignaz Maximilian | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1815–1889 |
Grillparzer | Franz | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1791–1872 |
Giskra | Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1820–1879 |
Leber | Ferdinand Joseph Edler von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Medicine | 1727–1808 |
Baumgartner | Andreas Freiherr von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1793–1865 |
Kutschker | Johann Rudolf | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1810–1881 |
Kink | Rudolf von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1822–1864 |
Fogarassy | Michael | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1800–1882 |
Czörnig Freiherr von Czernhausen | Carl | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1804–1889 |
Pratobevera Freiherr von Wiesborn | Karl Josef | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1769–1853 |
Froidevo | Joseph Hyacinth Ritter von | Commemorative Plaque of Faculty | 1893 | Faculty of Law and State | 1735–1811 |