701 - 750 / 1568 Personen
Surname | Forename |
Honor![]() |
Date | Faculty | Birth/death dates |
Kerner Ritter von Marilaun | Anton | Monument in arcaded court | 1908 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1831–1898 |
Brentano | Franz | Monument in arcaded court | 1952 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1917 |
Oser | Leopold | Monument in arcaded court | 1917 | Faculty of Medicine | 1839–1910 |
Exner jun. | Franz Serafin | Monument in arcaded court | 1937 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1849–1926 |
Unger | Josef | Monument in arcaded court | 1928 | Faculty of Law and State | 1828–1913 |
Sonnenfels | Josef von | Monument in arcaded court | 1891 | Faculty of Law and State | 1733–1817 |
Reininger | Robert | Monument in arcaded court | 1967 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1869–1955 |
Taussky-Todd | Olga | Monument in arcaded court | 2015/16 | Faculty of Mathematics | 1906–1995 |
Kuzmány | Karol (Karl) | Monument in arcaded court | 1998 | Faculty of Protestant Theology | 1806–1866 |
Schindler | Franz Martin | Monument in arcaded court | 1951 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1847–1922 |
Thun-Hohenstein | Leo Graf von | Monument in arcaded court | 1893 | 1811–1888 | |
Popper | Sir Karl | Monument in arcaded court | 2002 | Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics | 1902–1994 |
Neusser | Edmund von | Monument in arcaded court | 1928 | Faculty of Medicine | 1852–1912 |
Stifft | Andreas Josef Freiherr von | Monument in arcaded court | 1889 | Faculty of Medicine | 1760–1836 |
Jodl | Friedrich | Monument in arcaded court | 1924 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1849–1914 |
Hyrtl | Josef | Monument in arcaded court | 1889 | Faculty of Medicine | 1810–1894 |
Radon | Johannes | Monument in arcaded court | 1987 | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1887–1956 |
Weidel | Hugo | Monument in arcaded court | 1906 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1849–1899 |
Inama-Sternegg | Karl Theodor von | Monument in arcaded court | 1917 | Faculty of Law and State | 1843–1908 |
Tandler | Julius | Monument in arcaded court | 1956 | Faculty of Medicine | 1869–1936 |
Brücke | Ernst Wilhelm Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1894 | Faculty of Medicine | 1819–1892 |
Wiesner | Julius | Monument in arcaded court | 1927 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1916 |
Schrötter von Kristelli | Leopold | Monument in arcaded court | 1937 | Faculty of Medicine | 1837–1908 |
Benndorf | Friedrich Otto August | Monument in arcaded court | 1929 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1838–1907 |
Bickell | Gustav | Monument in arcaded court | 1921 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1838–1906 |
Oppolzer | Johann Ritter von | Monument in arcaded court | 1890 | Faculty of Medicine | 1808–1871 |
Economo Freiherr von San Serff | Constantin Alexander | Monument in arcaded court | 1966 | Faculty of Medicine | 1876–1931 |
Fuchs | Ernst | Monument in arcaded court | 1951 | Faculty of Medicine | 1851–1930 |
Glaser | Julius Anton | Monument in arcaded court | 1888 | Faculty of Law and State | 1831–1885 |
Menger von Wolfensgrün | Carl | Monument in arcaded court | 1929 | Faculty of Law and State | 1840–1921 |
Czyhlarz | Karl von | Monument in arcaded court | 1927 | Faculty of Law and State | 1833–1914 |
Schuh | Franz | Monument in arcaded court | 1889 | Faculty of Medicine | 1804–1865 |
Martini zu Wasserburg | Karl Anton Freiherr von | Monument in arcaded court | 1917 | Faculty of Law and State | 1726–1800 |
Dumreicher Freiherr von Österreicher | Johann Heinrich | Monument in arcaded court | 1901 | Faculty of Medicine | 1815–1880 |
Wegscheider | Rudolf | Monument in arcaded court | 1949 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1859–1935 |
Bamberger | Heinrich von | Monument in arcaded court | 1899 | Faculty of Medicine | 1822–1888 |
Siegel | Heinrich | Monument in arcaded court | 1902 | Faculty of Law and State | 1830–1899 |
Zeiller | Franz Anton Edler von | Monument in arcaded court | 1891 | Faculty of Law and State | 1751–1828 |
Schlosser | Julius von | Monument in arcaded court | 1955 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1866–1938 |
Lotheissen | Ferdinand | Monument in arcaded court | 1902 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1833–1887 |
Menger von Wolfensgrün | Anton | Monument in arcaded court | 1919 | Faculty of Law and State | 1841–1906 |
Bonitz | Hermann | Monument in arcaded court | 1893 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1814–1888 |
Molisch | Hans | Monument in arcaded court | 1950 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1856–1937 |
Barth von Barthenau | Ludwig | Monument in arcaded court | 1892 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1839–1890 |
Miklosich [Miklošič] | Franz Xaver von | Monument in arcaded court | 1897 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1813–1891 |
Claus | Carl | Monument in arcaded court | 1907 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1835–1899 |
Pernter | Josef Maria | Monument in arcaded court | 1935 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1848–1908 |
Ingen-Housz | Jan | Monument in arcaded court | 1905 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1730–1799 |
Sickel | Theodor R. von | Monument in arcaded court | 1930 | Faculty of Philosophy | 1826–1908 |
Werner | Karl | Monument in arcaded court | 1897 | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1821–1888 |